New Features on My SmartBike App

We are excited to announce a major update to My SmartBike App, packed with new features that enhance your eBiking experience.

Apple Watch Integration

Experience unprecedented convenience with My SmartBike app on your Apple Watch. Control your ride and monitor essential metrics, including heart rate, without ever needing to take your phone out. This allows you to optimize and track your performance effectively.

Apple Watch App

Enhanced Security

With our new feature, you can rest assured that your eBike is safer than ever. Override your bike’s assistance system through the app for an added layer of protection against theft. Additionally, complement this security with a manual lock.

Enhanced Security

Kickstart Your Ride

Personalize your eBike settings with ease. Depending on your eBike model, select your preferred assistance level, light status, and motor map to perfectly align with your riding style and preferences.