MAHLE SmartBike Lab
The support you needed is here!
We have introduced a new section to our YouTube channel: MAHLE SmartBike Lab. Here, we will be uploading technical videos about our systems.
How to install displays, software updates, directions for use, first steps with our systems and other advice about maintenance and repairing your eBike are just some of the contents that will be available on this news section. These contents will be focused in providing support to the riders, dealers and OEMS with technical solutions related with our X35, X30, X20 and XS Systems.

At the moment, we have available the following videos in our YouTube channel: “X20 System Upgrading”, “X20 System first steps”, “HMI First steps”, “How to pair PULSAR ONE” and “How to change the rear wheel” but much more content is on the way.
Make sure to follow us so you don’t miss anything!

Update Your Bike
Always keep your SmartBike up to date – Our latest System Updates for X35, X30, X20 and XS Systems.